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2015 Green-e® Residual Mix Emission Rates (eGrid Data)

This table shows the residual mix calculation based on eGRID subregions. These rates were calculated using the data collected by Green-e® Energy during annual verification of 2015 certified sales and the 2014 emissions and generation data provided by eGRID in the U.S. for each eGRID subregion in eGRID2014.


eGrid Subregion CO2 Emissions (tons) Net Generation (MWh) Emission Rate (lb/MWh) Voluntary RE emissions (lbs) Voluntary RE (MWh) Adjusted System Mix (lbs/MWh) Difference (lbs/MWh) Percentage Difference
AKGD 2,214,116 4,779,334 926.5 0 44,519.00 935.25 8.71 0.94%
AKMS 430,690 1,265,808 680.5 0 0.00 680.50 0.00 0.00%
AZNM 58,563,269 133,768,579 875.6 0 78,903.23 876.11 0.52 0.06%
CAMX 53,680,281 188,801,065 568.6 0 459,717.56 570.03 1.39 0.24%
ERCT 211,735,194 370,571,252 1,142.8 0 16,343,092.00 1,195.47 52.72 4.61%
FRCC 118,282,371 220,021,589 1,075.2 0 1,329,193.00 1,081.72 6.53 0.61%
HIMS 1,339,709 2,848,000 940.8 0 0.00 940.81 0.00 0.00%
HIOA 5,441,484 7,356,159 1,479.4 0 0.00 1,479.44 0.00 0.00%
MROE 18,497,713 22,235,749 1,663.8 0 85,876.00 1,670.23 6.45 0.39%
MROW 141,705,986 207,611,288 1,365.1 0 8,063,371.00 1,420.27 55.16 4.04%
NEWE 31,602,399 110,720,137 570.9 0 82,363.00 571.28 0.42 0.07%
NWPP 154,889,125 341,556,933 907.0 0 4,345,553.89 918.65 11.69 1.29%
NYCW 12,704,375 38,179,567 665.5 0 0.00 665.51 0.00 0.00%
NYLI 6,755,703 11,295,155 1,196.2 0 0.00 1,196.21 0.00 0.00%
NYUP 15,390,740 84,168,392 365.7 0 242,460.81 366.77 1.06 0.29%
RFCE 112,461,602 271,173,457 829.4 0 169,624.00 829.96 0.52 0.06%
RFCM 64,844,805 84,683,436 1,531.5 0 47,816.49 1,532.33 0.86 0.06%
RFCW 393,719,824 570,243,268 1,380.9 0 316,492.25 1,381.65 0.77 0.06%
RMPA 65,365,297 75,232,399 1,737.7 0 272,037.00 1,744.00 6.31 0.36%
SPNO 55,810,220 70,870,476 1,575.0 0 3,838,547.27 1,665.18 90.19 5.73%
SPSO 112,528,316 152,492,581 1,475.9 0 11,153,824.11 1,592.32 116.47 7.89%
SRMV 84,494,240 165,354,320 1,022.0 0 767,637.00 1,026.74 4.77 0.47%
SRMW 132,795,003 149,881,067 1,772.0 0 1,089,337.00 1,784.98 12.97 0.73%
SRSO 152,586,788 266,801,836 1,143.8 0 356,075.77 1,145.35 1.53 0.13%
SRTV 157,859,024 236,266,394 1,336.3 0 72,657.36 1,336.69 0.41 0.03%
SRVC 124,852,197 291,512,233 856.6 0 295,046.40 857.45 0.87 0.10%