More documents can be found in the Green-e Renewable Fuels Participant Portal (password required).
1. Green-e® Renewable Fuels Standard
The Standard was approved on September 16, 2021 and provides the criteria that Green-e® certified renewable fuel products, renewable gas tariffs and Renewable Fuels Certificates (“RFCs”) must meet.
- Green-e® Renewable Fuels Standard
Version 1.0, September 16, 2021 - Approved Carbon Intensity Calculation Methodologies: All fuel production facilities used toward Green-e® Renewable Fuels certified sales must calculate a Carbon Intensity (CI) score based on one of the following methodologies, based on the facility’s location. CRS may approve other methodologies at its discretion.
- GHGenius for fuel production facilities in Canada
- California Air Resources Board’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard for fuel production facilities in the USA
- Fossil Natural Gas Carbon Intensity: The Carbon Intensity of fossil natural gas that must be used for demonstrating compliance with Section V of the Green-e® Renewable Fuels Standard is: 9.38 gCO2e/MJ.
- This number is derived from this CA GREET guidance document, referencing the fossil natural gas Recovery and Processing stages.
- Note: MRETS Registry. Approved for use toward Green-e® Renewable Fuels certified transactions in Canada and the US. “Renewable Thermal Certificates” tracked in MRETS refer to the same tradable commodity as “Renewable Fuels Certificates” in the Green-e® Renewable Fuels program.
2. Terms of Reference, Green-e® Renewable Fuels Standard
The Terms of Reference describes the key issues that the Standard will address, including market need, sustainability, comparison to and compatibility with other existing relevant standards, implementation risks, and pathways to address such risks.
- Terms of Reference, Green-e® Renewable Fuels Standard
Version 1.0, October 2, 2019
3. Green-e® Renewable Fuels Code of Conduct
The Green-e® Renewable Fuels Code of Conduct describes certain processes, rules, and disclosure requirements of Green-e® certification of renewable fuels-related products under the Green-e® Renewable Fuels Standard, including rules around Marketing Compliance Review, compliance timelines, and marketing materials.
- Green-e® Renewable Fuels Code of Conduct
Version 1.1, March 21, 2024
4. Green-e® Renewable Fuels Glossary
The Green-e® Renewable Fuels Glossary provides definitions to certain terms used in documentation pertaining to the Green-e® Renewable Fuels program. This Glossary is incorporated by reference into the Certification and Logo Use Agreements for Green-e® Renewable Fuels Certification.
5. Green-e® Renewable Fuels Production Facility Attestation Documents
The documents below are to be completed by fuel production facilities that will supply eligible biomethane to participants in the Green-e® Renewable Fuels program, depending on whether the production facility is registered in an approved tracking system or not.
- Green-e® Renewable Fuels Carbon Intensity Worksheet: To be filled out to accompany every attestation type below
- Green-e® Renewable Fuels Tracking Attestation: For production facilities tracked in an approved tracking system